
Photograph by Jonathan Ellul

“When you finish your coffee, Mom, would you like to take a walk?”

Paul always asks me if I want to go for a walk.

“Just down the street, as far as the hedge. It’s nice out, not cold for December.”

It’s December, that’s why it’s dark so early. But there’s no snow. Most of the people I see on the sidewalk, they aren’t wearing winter coats or hats, not even some of the children. No wonder I can’t remember what month it is. But it’s December, Paul says. And Monday, I know it’s Monday.

From “Paul and David” by Margaret Watson in FreeFall  Magazine, Fall 2019

Since 2018, my stories have appeared in paperplates, FreeFall, Hamilton Arts & Letters Magazine and The New Quarterly . . . 

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"Understated pathos . . . subtle but moving . . . light touches of humour"

L.A., Fredericton, New Brunswick

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A writer and a reader. A mother and grandmother. A friend. A walker, a coffee-drinker. A vegetable gardener, a sock darner.  . . . 

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