
"The Returning Wife" forthcoming in The Fiddlehead, Autumn 2024 (TBC)

“The Roommates” Third Prize in the 2022 McNally Robinson contest. Contest judge David A. Robertson noted: 

"Stories present ideas, but provide no answers.  . . . 'The Roommates' is rich with ideas, questions of faith and ambiguity, but leaves them to linger with you."

In Prairie Fire Magazine Summer 2023 (Volume 44, Issue 2). Available in print only but link here

to initial announcement with excerpt.

“Room for Rent” The New Quarterly Issue 165, Winter 2023. (Available in print only.)


 "Who'll Stop the Rain?" Third prize Writer Advice 2022 Flash Fiction Contest


"Thank you for Calling"  First prize Street Light Magazine Summer 2022 Flash Fiction Contest


 "Trapped" Hamilton Arts & Letters Magazine Issue 14.2, Summer 2021


“Paul and David” FreeFall Magazine Volume XXIX, Number 2, Fall 2019. (Available in print only.)


"Stalking" paperplates magazine volume 9, number 1, 2018

In addition to the prizes noted above, various stories have been longlisted and/or shortlisted in contests sponsored by Prism International (2019), FreeFall Magazine (2019 and 2021) and The New Quarterly (2022).

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